
Hi, I’m Natasha. I recently graduated from the University of Nottingham with a PhD in Psychiatry. ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐ŸŽ“

Before embarking on years of academic study, I worked as a healthcare assistant in hospitals and care home settings. These experiences inspired me to pursue further study to learn how to improve patient outcomes by developing solutions informed by research. I quickly became interested in the potential for data to provide personalised healthcare, spanning diagnosis, treatment, and long-term prevention.

With a particular interest in mental health research, I studied at Cardiff University and Keele University for an MSc in Neuroimaging and BSc in Psychology, respectively. During this time I developed a curiosity for the interplay between thoughts, behaviours and physiological response. I was then awarded an NIHR PhD scholarship to develop therapies for mental health at The Centre for Translational Neuroimaging, at The Institute of Mental Health, University of Nottingham.

For my PhD research, I investigated the mechanistic interaction between neural and visceral oscillations during therapeutic interventions and how this influences cognitive control. This research involved experimental and psychophysiological data collection, signal processing, application of novel statistics to rich datasets and creating visualizations using Python, R and MATLAB. My work suggested that optimal neural-visceral coupling may depend on rhythms across multiple physiological systems.

Since completing my PhD, I have worked as a Clinical Editor for a digital health tech startup where I assisted in developing disease risk models and maintaining global ISO-certified products. I am currently conducting small scale research projects to further develop my skills in data science and create new insights for mental health research, such as applying NLP to understand user experience with meditation applications.

Outside of research I enjoy vegan cooking, gaming, reading, photography, running and learning Japanese!